Nehalem Bay Ranch
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Castle Rock, WA | Timber Design: Arrow Timber Framing | Michael Shultz |
This classic ranch-house makes smart and sparing decisions of where to utilize the timbers in both exterior and interior spaces. With sublt arches and a classic feel, the floor plan has a sprawling footprint but places post and beam in key areas to bring a slight rustic feel to an otherwise fairly contemporary house plan. The back patio features double posts but keeps things simple and effective.
The Process
“Everyone is a critic!” I don’t know who coined the statement, but it rings true for the experience of anyone making decisions and trying to get things done. As a designer and professional, I’ve noticed a strange trajectory with how I take criticism. It was quite an effort to work past negative feedback in the early days. Since then, I’ve slowly realized that ideas are floating all around us, and it is simply a matter of getting a lot of ideas for the clients to consider and choose. But even still, if I have worked a long time on an idea, it is hard not to avoid disappointment if the idea is rejected. If I’m tired or unaware, the criticism can move from disappointment and strike at the heart of my security and survival! “Really! How is that?” you might wonder. Here is an example of what can run through my head: “My money (survival) comes from producing good timber frame designs! Have I failed? Is the sky falling!?” Of course, it sounds ridiculous in writing, but that is my instinctive gut reaction to criticism.
I prefer to see the design/build as a collective effort and evolving ideas to avoid this head trash. For example, the Ashby’s came to us with the preliminary plans. We added our input as guides, and, further down the building process, others also modified our work. Make sense?
Now that you understand I’m not throwing stones at the preliminary plans, I’ll share the input we offered working with Garrett and Addie.
Reference A) A simple beam was placed to the right of the entry just to clean up the roofline by eliminating a small hip and valley located towards the upper end of the entry gable end.
Reference B) Without the timbers and visual hierarchy, this unique roof profile could have distracted from the clean roof lines. Nothing bad, per se, about the practical roof solution, but not very intentional. Now, faded into the background, this unique roof profile is a practical side note. Three other things I like about Garrett and Addie’s selections:
1) the three-sided mantle,
2) the flow of timber framing from the foyer through the great room, and
3) the flat ceiling over the timber outdoor living area.
Originally, they wanted a vaulted timber ceiling, but they saved plenty and still got a classy look with a flat ceiling. In a world where everyone is a critic, I love giving owners our expertise and creative options and seeing them make decisions confidently.

Find Out How We Can Bring Your Vision to Life
Are you interested in this home or want to learn more about timber framing in general? Contact our team at Arrow Timber Framing for more information. We also provide custom home plans tailored to your needs and preferences. You can reach us by phone at 1-833-212-0202 or using the contact link below. We look forward to hearing from you!