The Art of Hybrid Timber Framing
2nd Edition
The Art of Hybrid Timber Framing by Bert Sarkkinen is a must read for project owners, architects/designers, and builders who want to influence the look and feel of their building timber frame project using exposed beam construction. It is rich with ideas, imagery, and instruction to jump start your inspiration and planning.
Naturally, post and beam construction has an outsized impact on the aesthetics of building projects. Adding timbers without weighing the structural and aesthetic impacts can magnify any awkward imbalances; proceeding without addressing these important considerations is very risky.
You will learn how to avoid expensive pitfalls and understand the diverse timber styles showcased in this book. This will help you better communicate your ideas, achieve an enjoyable building process, and maximize your probabilities of success using hybrid timber framing.
This guide will help you plan and build it right the first time!

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About the Author
Arrow Timber Framing Owner, Bert Sarkkinen, is the son of a carpenter who developed a passion and knack for building at a young age.
Bert experienced multiple challenges in this craft through “trials by fire” to become the visionary and chief designer he is today at Arrow Timber Framing.