Lewis River Patio Addition
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Battle Ground, WA | Timber Design: Arrow Timber Framing | Michael Schultz |
Large, strong timbers bring a rustic strength and traditional beauty to this back-patio timber frame porch. Built on the banks of the East Fork of the Lewis River, it is designed for outdoor gatherings and entertaining. The Process:
People often ask us how we come up with so many creative ideas to use timbers. The answer is multifaceted, but if we had to choose one factor, our short answer would be: With help from all of our clients.
“Well,” you say, “I can imagine how some of your clients can help with ideas but ALL of your clients!!?” To which we would have to emphatically say, “YES!” This Timber patio project for Dan and Demi portrays how each client brings unique needs/criteria which demand creative thinking.
Craig with Clearwater construction (another client who puts us to the test) got us involved with this project. Craig and the owners had already done the substantial mental heavy lifting, with regards to the size, use, and possible locations for the Timber patio. As you can see, the retaining wall and pond demanded creative thinking. As did the roofline with the sunroom roof on the right and the irregular hip on the middle left.
Dan and Demi further challenged our creative ability with their feedback as we proposed ideas and solutions. Their unique likes and dislikes ranging from style preferences to bigger conceptual solutions meant more ideas and modificationswhich is typical, especially for projects with many constraints to work around.
As we continued to modify their 3-D model, the changes became smaller and smaller till we were suddenly done! And some of the creativity is fully attributed to the clients. Sometimes I have thought a particular idea a client suggests will not work or will look bad. But I am often pleasantly surprised with the end results. That is why it is important to follow the process. It magnifies the synergy effect. And, as you can see, creative synergy produces a beautiful outcome!

Find Out How We Can Bring Your Vision to Life
Are you interested in this home or want to learn more about timber framing in general? Contact our team at Arrow Timber Framing for more information. We also provide custom home plans tailored to your needs and preferences. You can reach us by phone at 1-833-212-0202 or using the contact link below. We look forward to hearing from you!